Printer Buying Guide 1: What kind of printing do you need?

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Our lives are increasingly paper-free, but sometimes there’s no substitute for a print-out. Whether you want to print from your laptop at the office or from your smartphone at home, this guide will help you find the solution you need.


Whatever printer you need, consider what you’ll need to print and who will use it.



If your degree is essay-heavy? Need Quality color printing?  requires you to print out course material every week?


Here are three of our best quality printers:

   student printers




Small or large  business need to be able to print documents with speed, plus scanning and photocopying


Your printer types:

business printers


Printing photos


You're looking for a printer that can print high-quality colour photos


Your printer types:

printers bg photos1 160920


WFH essentials


Bringing your work to life and any important documents you may need quickly instantly


Your printer types:

 Wifi printers

Selphy / Digital printing


Your printer types:

selphie printers

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